

This is the page description.

Choose the perfect course for you

Learn to chart

✨ This course is for you if:

✨You want to learn to chart your cycles.

✨You are not on any form of HBC.

✨You want to learn a natural way to prevent pregnancy.

✨ You are TTC and want to know exactly when you are fertile.

✨ You want to learn about your body for general health tracking.

Path to pregnancy

This course is for you if:

✨ You are thinking about conceiving within the next 3-12 months.

✨ You are not on any form of hormonal birth control (HBC) or planning on getting off very soon.

✨ You have some fears, doubts and questions about pregnancy and you want to feel more prepared.

✨You’d like to sit in the drivers seat of your family planning.

going with your flow


Are you interested in this course? Send me a message and I will let you know when it becomes available!