Hi there! I’m so glad you’re here
I’m Nina and I am a period expert, reproductive health coach, and a birth & postpartum doula (among other things!)
womxn deserve
to feel supported
I believe all menstruators deserve to feel empowered and supported when it comes to our cycles and anything that has to do with them. Sometimes it’s hard to know who to turn to with with those “embarrassing” questions and it can even be overwhelming at times, but let me just say YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
I am here to support YOU! Whether you just started menstruating, are thinking about getting off the pill, are tired of that horrible PMS, or you’re trying to start a family, I’m here for you!
Do you want more out of your relationship with your own body?
Are you tired of having terrible PMS?
Are you on hormonal contraceptives but getting tired of all the weird side effects that come with it?
Are you wondering what the heck Cycle Charting is?
Are you curious about your cycle and want to learn how to bio-hack it?
Do you want to start a family but feel overwhelmed by all the information that’s out there?
Are your hormones out of wack and you’re ready to start balancing them naturally?
Have you been searching for answers about your cycle but don’t know where to turn?
…the list goes on and on!
I’m here to tell you:
There is nothing wrong with you. You are exactly where you are meant to be.
You are right on time! You can take it slow, and honor your own pace and process.
You are not alone and only you are in charge of where this path takes you.
I am here to support you with any and all questions you have about your cycle. When it comes to this topic, nothing is off the table!
this is how i….
It all started when…
I took a leap of faith and quit my job as an accountant to become a birth and postpartum doula. The more I learned and worked as a doula, the more I saw the lack of information, education, and support mothers get from the medical and health care systems. I was even more shocked and angry when I realized the statistics worsen significantly amongst minorities and marginalized communities. I wondered: Why aren’t people talking about this and why don’t more people know?! So, one of my great pleasures as a doula is helping mothers and their partners find evidence based information, helping them find their voice, and watching them proudly make their own educated and empowered choices and let those be known.
I’ve since continued to pull on that string of curiosity and have found the same gap stretching all the way to the start; menstruation and fertility. What started off as a kindling interest became a roaring passion in womxn’s health and a mission to share my story and everything I have learned from it. Being a doula naturally exposed me to so much information about our bodies and how the healthcare system is built to serve us (or lack thereof). This lead me to look back at my own experiences. I realized I too have been a victim to a society and health care system that does not equip womxn with the knowledge and confidence to make their own educated and empowered decisions.
From the first time I menstruated through all the early years of my cycle, I struggled with irregular and painful periods, and like so many womxn I was told that birth control would “fix it”. For so long I trusted that my doctors were making the best decisions for my health but my experience in the birth world made me pause and think twice. After a decade of being on some form of birth control I decided I would conduct an
experiment on myself. I wanted to get off birth control and see if I could learn to listen to my body and heal it naturally. I began by learning about the all the interconnected systems in my body including my hormones, diet, and lifestyle and how those affect my cycle. Most importantly I’m learning and continuing to built an intimate and trusting relationship with my body and my mind. I am learning what I need to feel good and I’ve started to listen to my body when it’s telling me something is not.
It’s worth mentioning that I couldn’t have gotten to this place without also challenging the norm that is built around menstruation. We all know this is a topic we have been taught is taboo. We’ve been taught that periods are gross and make womxn crazy. It’s seen as a sign of weakness and something that needs to be controlled or suppressed. Along with my physical healing I’ve committed myself to deconstructing my hurtful beliefs and shame around my menstruation and my body. I have found so much healing and empowerment in going through this journey but again I find myself asking, why aren’t people talking about this? why aren’t we being taught this from a young age?
So here I am, answering a call from a need that I had. I want to help womxn feel the power that comes from understanding and connecting to their own bodies. I want to help womxn get educated and empowered in the decision they make for themselves. I want to help womxn enjoy happy and healthy periods and help them feel supported through every step of their reproductive life. It’s a life-long journey and a commitment that can be challenging at times but I promise you won’t regret it. It’s so much more fun when you have other womxn and friends to share it with and I hope that I can be that friend for you.
Experience & Credentials
7th Ed Neonatal Resuscitation Provider Course 1
20-Hr Baby Friendly Initiative Course on Infant Feeding
DONA Certified International Birth Doula
DONA International Basics of Breastfeeding Workshop
Bachelors of Science in Psychology from University of Colorado at Boulder